Monday, March 1, 2010

CS4264 assignment 1

after finishing the assignment,
it was on

Question 1 . Five Forces Analysis of online books retailing industry in 2006
Question 2. SWOT analysis of in 2006
Question 3. 3 Justifications of’s strategy to provide “Amazon Kindle” and the eBooks service in 2007

i feel that the module is quite easy
for a 4000+ level, the project is relatively tougher, and i am becoming a free-loader soon
hope i would get better in doing stuffs,
hope i would have more points to say
afraid of the debate for the project
but well, let's pray hard for the better
the assignment 2 is coming on the 8th week,
now it is the first day of 6th

my assignment result is out already
i got 8.5 upon 10 marks
but the average was 8.91 and median was 9
lowest was 7, highest was 10

Q1: -0.5, your answers are mostly the acceptable but not good factors, the substitute part is vague and not really good to me, the conclusion states high profit potential, which is not consistent with your five forces.
Q2:-0.5 Strength, if it is the feature of all B2C, then it is not a strength. Also, the threat is not a good one. it is too generic and no concrete argument or evidence it may become true.
Q3, -0.5 both your first and third answers are not good ones, although not entirely incorrect.

hope i can buck up on my assignment two
but the questions are damn difficult

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