Saturday, March 20, 2010

CL1101E 2009/2010 sem2 assignment 2

chinese assignment 2

this is really tough
i think sometimes i have no idea if it is right for me to take this module

i got A for this assignment again
with plenty "cross"es, amen

DSC3213 Knowledge Management Report

full 20 pages report
that i hope that i did not have plagiarised anything
and that there are many repetition
whole thing got completed for the sake of finishing my report

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


"Adverse" comes from the Latin for "to turn towards" ie to turn to face someone, or to confront, to oppose them. "Adversity" means circumstances which are hostile, and which you need to confront.
"Averse" means "to turn away from" ie to dislike something (normally, to dislike something strongly - if you say "I have an aversion/I am averse to ice cream" you dont mean "I don't like ice cream very much". You mean "I dislike ice cream so much that it makes me feel ill and I have to turn away from it!")

Monday, March 15, 2010

cs3265 midterm exam part 2

again, i felt that i was correct
in the end i was wrong
for the midterm paper i had 15/20 which is only the middle of the cohort
jiaqi i think he got 18, danfeng got 19, danfeng's friend got 18 among them, i am the lowest
but according to danfeng's friend, he say that he have some friends who got 12
i guess those are the lower percentile already
haiz, i'm disappointed with my score,
perhaps i could had gotten 16/20 if i didn't feel so much that i changed the answer to the following...

Dear Dr.Chen

I do have another query.

Question 11.

From my understanding, the demand represented by this equation is Q=5-2P, and so for Q equal to 0, P = $2.50.
so when the store charges $0.50 with $12 membership fee, P = $12.50 if 1 DVD is purchased at the store, and so we shouldn't accept as price has exceeded $2.50.

However, if we were to consider greater quantity, for instance 100 DVDs, the total price would be 100 x $0.50 + $12 = $62.
If P = $2.50, total price for 100 DVDs would be 100 x $2.50 = $250.
The willingness to pay for the DVD is much higher and so, isn't the answer C/D (probably yes or cannot be decided) instead of the given answer B?

I'm sorry that I take into only considerations from my point of view only as a buyer and not more in depth calculations for this question.
now... it is wrong again
she was able to convince me that I'm WRONG!

Given Q=5-2p, when p=0, the customer will rent 5 units of DVD. That is the maximum amount of consumption under this demand curve. If we assume that the marginal cost for the store owner is zero, the total consumer surplus is =5x2.5/2, which is less than $12. So by charging $12 for membership fee, the store owner charges higher than the total consumer surplus. The consumer won’t accept this price certainly.

cs3265 midterm exam part 1

there are some queries i had for the midterm paper
but after dr.Chen explain
i suddenly feel that i should had studied the answers she gave
Below is the email i wrote to her -- for question number 1
Regarding the midterm paper, I do have a query in calculations.
Question 20.

Customer Type


Individual pricing


Individual pricing

No. of customers WTP


No. of customers































So, from this we can deduce that both individual pricing should be $70.

The bundle pricing in this case have to be lower than $140. ($70 + $70)

Therefore taking the bundle pricing: $130

Type A, B & D customers would purchase

130 x 300 = 39,000

Type C customers would purchase only video king at $70

70 x 100 = $7,000

Total = $39,000 + $7,000 = $46,000


All type of customers would purchase

120 x 400 = $48,000

Therefore if the firm sells both bundle and individual items, the price for the bundle to obtain maximum profit is $120.

Whereas the answer given by you is $130 instead, I wonder if there are errors in this calculations.
okay, if what i said seems correct... then you are WRONG

her reply is below

When the bundle is $130, only Type C consumers will purchase individual items at $30 for PhotoKing and $90 for VideoKing. The total revenue from individual item selling is $30x100+$90x100=$12000. Add this amount to the bundling selling revenue, total revenue =$39000+$12000=$51000.

The seller will not sell individual items at $70 to Type C consumers if they can get higher revenue.

tada, sounds correct, i although i had weird feeling about the individual pricing...
but it is convincing in the end.

Friday, March 5, 2010

CS3265: economics of e-business

managerial economics and business strategy
the textbook is by michael bay
i have the 7th edition
but the answers that i had found is actually 5th edition if i'm not wrong
i managed to download it at one of the websites uploaded by another person for a course

for chapter 1, it is more of a study guide, which can be downloaded for a sample at the publisher itself,
the rest is just answers to the textbook
hope i can find the textbook and upload it online
but that would be after this semester if i'm going to find it...

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9

chapter 10
chapter 11

chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14

Monday, March 1, 2010

CS4264 assignment 1

after finishing the assignment,
it was on

Question 1 . Five Forces Analysis of online books retailing industry in 2006
Question 2. SWOT analysis of in 2006
Question 3. 3 Justifications of’s strategy to provide “Amazon Kindle” and the eBooks service in 2007

i feel that the module is quite easy
for a 4000+ level, the project is relatively tougher, and i am becoming a free-loader soon
hope i would get better in doing stuffs,
hope i would have more points to say
afraid of the debate for the project
but well, let's pray hard for the better
the assignment 2 is coming on the 8th week,
now it is the first day of 6th

my assignment result is out already
i got 8.5 upon 10 marks
but the average was 8.91 and median was 9
lowest was 7, highest was 10

Q1: -0.5, your answers are mostly the acceptable but not good factors, the substitute part is vague and not really good to me, the conclusion states high profit potential, which is not consistent with your five forces.
Q2:-0.5 Strength, if it is the feature of all B2C, then it is not a strength. Also, the threat is not a good one. it is too generic and no concrete argument or evidence it may become true.
Q3, -0.5 both your first and third answers are not good ones, although not entirely incorrect.

hope i can buck up on my assignment two
but the questions are damn difficult

DSC3213 IBM case study

did on IBM's social networking
and we are suppose to already present last week
but due to short of time, it is only partial
so... nothing much
haiz... disappointing, cos i wore formal(smart casual actually)