Sunday, February 28, 2010

CL1101E assignment 1

my first chinese assignment in school that made me disappointed
the question paper:
was uploaded on ivle for the whole cohort to see by myself stupidly
found out through someone who printed it out
wonder how many marks i would get for this in the end
heard from meihuay that some of the things are wrong
well... didn't took me much time to do anyway, so i shouldn't be so concern about my marks...

i got A eventually...
but there were errors
回 hui -- 1.h, 2.u, 3.e, 4.i 5.-
往wang - 1.-, 2.u, 3.a, 4.-, 5. ng
the 声母&辅音don't writ in caps,
i got a big circle there for doing that

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